Sunday, June 27, 2010

VBS Blessings

My little heart is sad. I just spent a week with a group of very amazing children and it just hit me that I will not be spending my mornings with them anymore. VBS was only four weeks, but the bond that I had with the children in my small group is for a life time. I teach Sunday school to kindergartner's and have helped with youth for several years now but something about VBS just touched my heart in a different way. Maybe it's just me but the ways those kids come each day ready to learn and trust you with their lives for the week is just so amazing to me. They realize the way our events are make-believe but I just love the way they get so into it! Yes, it was hot, and yes I got bit by tons of mosquitoes, but I will miss EVERY MINUTE of it! I will miss the kids in my small group, my family.

1 comment:

  1. I miss helping with VBS too. I LOVED helping with it, and the kids were adorable! Funny thing is, Friday I woke up feeling...sad. I wondered why, and it was because VBS was over! **sniffle**

    (P.S. You put that we did VBS for 4 weeks, not 4 days, LOL!)
