Monday, July 19, 2010

One Year

Yep! It's been one whole year since I began attending my home church, Wellspring Community Church. It doesn't feel like it's been one year. So much has happened since I first started attending. Everyone I tell is like, "That's it, that all you've been here?" And they are right. I have experienced so much there that it feels like I have been there much longer. I have grown so much though that my time there has definitely been full of experiences that have availed much fruit. I cannot wait to see what God has prepared for my future there. Thank you Wellspring for being the family I have longed for!


  1. Hey Anna gave me your link! LOVE THE BLGO! I'm following.
    With Love and Blessings,
    Bleah Briann

  2. That is awesome that you love your church so much...they are an extended family for sure.
    Nice to meet you. Popped over from Anna's blog.
